Booster Meeting 9/9/24 6pm Scoreboard - Erika Learning all about the board. Putting all the info in a folder. Gail someone she talked to. Hopefully issues are fixed.  IPAD works with scoreboard not the all sport pro (big thing) Courtney also a person who helps with board. Find someone for music for Barnwell game. Coach Hayes has someone coming in to announce.  Potentially create a Spotify playlist ahead of time for the announcers.  Booster Club membership - Amanda Members as of today, 52 families Sponsorships as of today, 18  Compared to last year, 62 families and 22 sponsorships Status on National Guard - Strother to check on it. If not we need to remove their pic on the board. We are using the scanner on game days, working out okay. Keeps track of who attends that night from booster club. Homecoming Tailgate - as of today 15 of 25 spots taken. (2 paid so far Venmo) Food for tailgate for TJ, this time buy the wings and fry them here and 2-3 types and potato chip fries and carrots, celery, ranch and a dessert.  Collecting money.  Booster club fundraisers where money comes in, coaches cannot touch the money. Someone from the booster club has to be present if money is being taken. And an employee of ACPSD cannot also touch money from fundraisers. Jen cannot collect it at all. The doghouse is okay as it is not a fundraiser. Jen can collect the money from the customer but not the final sign off on it.  ACPSD employee can only hold the secretary position for a booster/PTO etc…. 3 weeks minimum approval for fundraisers, all the way to district office.  If a fundraiser is presented before approval, it is automatically cancelled and cannot be done.  Band App???  DO NOT USE BAND APP, only OK if using before season started. But for the new season, you have to use rooms!  Talked about Publix registration for free stuff. Kolmar to register and to look into.  Sam’s club, Gurney to looking into getting a booster club membership for Sams’ Kolmar to get card and sign up for Sam’s for Silver Bluff.  Election of officers: nominations and then elections after.  Do an email about nominations and elections.  Gurney to draft something up and Amanda to send email.   Gurney and Kathy retiring from officers after end of school year..  When, quicker the better per Strother.  Job description brief in biLaws. Put details in the email asking for nominations.  January through end of school year for them to training and learn the scope of new officers.  Music from Cheerleaders, they have to be non explicit.  Reminder, Gala on Feb 8th. Dep has been made on the barn. Hayes, Barnwell game blue and blue… Gold Out… for Charity Robinson. Find out about Adam being announcer for that game or not.  JV Game home this week against Fox Creek V Game away at Blackville-Hilda Homecoming Game, Admin to pay per Kolmar and Robbie cook - Amanda Next Meeting October 14th -  6pm