SBHS Booster Club Meeting 10/14/24 In attendance: STROTHER, KOLMAR, AMANDA W., WIGGINS(2), DANIELLE, MATT Trees in century club area need removed before they fall on a car. Robbie has guys coming in tmr 10/15/24.-STROTHER State Champ sign to be fixed by ACPSD Maintenance - KOLMAR HOMECOMING TAILGATE Sold all 25 spots Set up 1-3 Come back at 4 to start Bulldog Drive to be closed for buses beginning at 3 Robbie/Ben to mark off spots (possibly Gunny?) All attendees of tailgate have to have game ticket on GoFan.  Wednesday packets go out Wednesday - Jen Dani to be at field at 12 Mark off spot for Firetruck Mark of practice field for Swansea for No Parking Tailgate parking to the right coming through gate Table/Chairs/Tent at pay spot at double gate fence for entry We need helpers for the gate entry TAILGATE - PAID VENMO Ben paid for Quentin Cribbs Wendy Stevens CO’85 Tammy Newman CO’89 Latoya Hazel Steven’s CO’01 Dominique Parker CO’17 Roderick Starling  Shauna Barefield CO’03 Banners to be put back up on 10/15 ACPSD to fix siding on press box. - KOLMAR  Election of officers stuff Meeting with STROTHER about new positions.  Letter to be written.  Letter of Wiggins retirement and nominations for new board are needed.  Cutoff date for nominations Matt to send a list of help he needs during games. We to send a mass email to members for volunteer help. And post for volunteer help on the FB Booster Page.  Maintenance on Hustler Lawnmower needed, MATT to schedule and give Gurney the invoice for payment- Matt Senior Night is Nov 8th, start at 7pm to honor seniors. Fall Sports Banquets ??  Pins for letterman jackets?? - STROTHER Need all region plaques for last years spring banquet. Track State rings have been ordered. Need a time to give the rings out. (4 total) Shipping at Nov. 8th. Potentially give out at halftime basketball game.  GALA in February 8th (Barn 7-9th) $750 table $75 Ind. ticket Flower guy Jon - Matt Hayes NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER 11TH