11/18/24 Attendance: STROTHER, Amanda, Jen, Soccer Coach Casper and Kylee Casper, Wiggins(2), Ben, Danielle, Broome, Joy FALL SPORTS BANQUET-  December 10th, Tuesday - 6pm Ordering of certificates/plaques - Shelby Grilled Chicken leg quarters Green beans Mac& Cheese Rolls tea and lemonade water  GALA- Feb 8th Gurney to call Nancy Golf- Catering - Maybe change up food Brenda’s Balloons in New Ellenton for flowers Gurney to talk to Carol Sponsorship letters to go out by December 15th Nothing Bundt Cake email - Amanda to email them for Feb basket auction items stale last year, look for new items No Hall of Fame this year All coaches need to be involved and help with Gala and contribute to silent auction items. Be more low key and laidback ?? Ticket price $75 $50 coaches Big Sponsorships should not have to pay for a ticket (2 tickets to come) 240 people at last years gala (30 tables) Comp tickets ?? Maybe 6 comp tickets Make business casual  Contact Newberry Hall - Danielle  - Newberry NOT AVAILABLE Put together Gala committee to be put together 8-10 people for planning Jen Amanda Shelby Gurney & Kathy Ideas for an Athletic Booster CLub / Sports Something beginning of school. All coaches - each coach have a table set up with info Parents bring your potential athletes and current athletes Memberships purchased this night maybe a discount ? Tshirts ? First 100 a shirt??  Q&A with AD and coaches Awards and Letter stuff for Varsity sports and pins for sports banquet - STROTHER  And look into who to order from jackets from.  Johansons Trophy place.  STROTHER, Gurney and Dani to meet about Bylaws revision. Gala meeting Dec. 2nd at 6pm Next Meeting Dec. 9th